Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Special Approval

The deadline for special approval has been extended to October 19th.  Read the following to see if your project requires special approval:

"ALL projects which deal with the following conditions or test subjects MUST be submitted for review and approval before students initiate projects.
·         All microorganisms whether known or unknown, or any potential pathogens
·         Non‐human vertebrate organisms including all cells, tissue, body fluids, embryos or fetuses, and eggs (indicate gestational age),
·         All human subjects (including all human cells, tissue, body fluids and all behavioral science projects)
·         Prescription drugs, alcohol, tobacco product and any other restricted or controlled substances,
·         Potentially hazardous biological or chemical materials/substances,
·         Recombinant DNA technologies,
·         Potentially hazardous equipment, devices or practices such as those dealing with firearms, explosive materials, radiation."